

With significant connections, expertise in numerous technologies, and proven product development results, Applied Resolution Technologies provides access to our wealth of experience and expertise to assist your organisation with technology development.

We don’t know everything.  But after 30 years in business, preceded by a number of years of academics and research, we do have a good grasp on many technologies.   Contact us to discuss how we can help with your technological issues, whether it be idea development, product development, or something more directly that we can undertake on your behalf.

Our experience and expertise is here…… why not have a chat with us.

Product and process development, prototyping, design and application technology.  Our expertise fields include semiconductor laser technology, electronic application systems, Bluetooth, LoRaWAN, electronic design, mechanical concepts and prototyping………  Our own products are all developed in-house using facilities established over many years.  Maybe we can help you with your own ideas.

Android application software development, Bluetooth communications, are just some of the areas that we have established in-house expertise.  Together with our mechanical design experience, and extensive prototyping facilities including 4 x CNC lathe/milling systems, Applied Resolution Technologies is that prototyping shop that you always wish you had.


Microprocessor application development using the latest in advanced silicon… together with access to excellent services in electronic circuit design….  ideas are one thing, having that functioning prototype in your hand is another.


Contact us to discuss your challenge.  Make it our challenge.